12 September, 2006

A Hunting We Will Go ...

Had a saga last night with the cat. Bec decided that he neeeded some fresh air, so she let him out but he disappeared over the gardens somewhere. We were all convinced that he'd gone to that witch's house next door but one (after an hour and a half of searching for him). Anyway, she swore that she hadn't seen him, even told me that her cat was out and about somewhere. "Yeah, well, nobody has tried to steal *your* cat in the past, have they?" I said to her. (She kept him in her house for six weeks once and wouldn't admit to having him, just because I wouldn't let her have him or sell him to her, he's Bec's cat after all and she already had four of her own. We thought he was dead, Bec broke her heart). Anyway, I've learned that if she says she doesn't have him, you can guarantee that within five minutes she's chucking him out through the back door ... and she did. He suddenly appeared.

It took us another hour to get him back, which entailed Gary jumping over several neighbours back yards and eventually enticing him over a wall where he unceremoniously grabbed him and frogmarched back to the house, holding him at arms length for fear of being mauled to death. Of course, he wouldn't get off my lap for the rest of the night ... I'm not sure if it was a punishment (he weighs nearly a stone in weight) or so that he could glare at Gary from a comfy spot. Hmm ...

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